Some eye problems can be prevented with certain eye care routines that should be developed into habits. In today’s post, your local eye doctor and scleral optometrist at Lumen Optometric share daily habits that can benefit your eyes and vision.

1. Wash Your Hands — Thanks to recent events, hand washing should already be part of your daily routine coming from the outdoors. Even if you stay indoors most of the time, you should wash your hands regularly. Common vision-related diseases like conjunctivitis (pink eye) are caused by touching in or around the eyes with unclean hands.
2. Wear Eye Protection — Whether you’re mowing the lawn, doing some woodwork in your workshop, or performing home repairs, don’t risk eye injury and always wear eye protection. Protective glasses are easy to obtain, comes in many sizes, and can be worn over existing eyeglasses. If you’re working on anything that involves welding, make sure to wear a welding mask or goggles.
3. Handle Your Contact Lenses Carefully — Your contact lenses come into direct contact with your eyes; you’ll definitely want to keep them clean. Always make sure that you’re handling them with clean hands, keep your contact lens cases sterilized, and discard expired contact lens solution. If you’re undergoing dry eye treatment, your eye doctor may prescribe a different type of contact lenses, with different handling instructions. Make sure you follow them closely to avoid damage to your eyes.
4. Maintain a Healthy Diet — Eating fast food every day probably won’t make you go blind, but it’s not good for your health, either. Various studies have shown that a diet that contains significant amounts of foods that are rich in Omega-3 and lutein can help reduce the risk of cataracts, night blindness, and other eye problems.
5. Rest Your Eyes — Most of us spend a significant portion of the day staring at computer screens, especially those who work from home. Make sure to rest your eyes every once in a while. The “20-20-20 Rule,” is a good daily practice to turn into a habit. The rule is simple: every 20 minutes, look at something that’s 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Doing this several times a day can help reduce eye strain.
Lumen Optometric is your leading provider of eye care services, including Neurolens® treatment. Give us a call at (626) 921-0199. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.