Categories: eye care

Debunking 5 Popular Myths About Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

Lazy eye, or amblyopia, is a condition that affects many, reducing visual acuity in one or both eyes, and is prevalent among both children and adults. However, several myths surrounding it still persist, leading to misinformation and possibly delaying treatment for those affected. Lumen Optometric, a local provider of eye care services like orthokeratology, shares the truth behind these myths.

  1. Amblyopia Can Only Be Treated in Children. One of the most widespread myths about lazy eye is that it can only be treated effectively in childhood. This myth stems from the understanding that the earlier the treatment begins, the better the outcomes. However, advances in vision therapy have proven that amblyopia can be treated at any age.

  1. Patching Is the Sole Treatment Method. Traditionally, patching the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to work harder has been a common treatment for amblyopia. Yet, this method is far from being the only option available. Innovative treatments, including digital vision therapy, have shown significant success in treating amblyopia.

  1. Amblyopia Equals Lack of Visual Acuity. Another misconception is equating amblyopia solely with a lack of visual sharpness or acuity. Although this can be a symptom, it is primarily a neurological disorder where the brain does not fully acknowledge the images seen by the affected eye. It’s worth understanding that treatments are designed to enhance the neurological connections between the eye and brain, rather than just correcting the vision perceived by the eye.

  1. No Link Between Amblyopia and Strabismus. It’s commonly believed that lazy eye and strabismus (crossed eyes) are unrelated conditions. While they can occur independently, there is a connection: strabismus can lead to amblyopia because the misalignment causes the brain to ignore the image from the misaligned eye. An eye exam doctor can assess the eyes to determine the relationship between these conditions in each patient, ensuring tailored and effective treatment.

  1. Misbelief in the Ineffectiveness of Treatment After a Certain Age. Historically, it was thought that after childhood, especially beyond 7 years old, it was unlikely to improve lazy eye significantly. However, recent studies and clinical practices have shown that with the right stimulation and therapy, visual improvement can be achieved well into adulthood.

At Lumen Optometric, our commitment to using the latest research and technology empowers us to provide effective treatment options for amblyopia, regardless of the patient’s age. If you or a loved one is navigating the challenges of lazy eye, we are here to guide you through the treatment options that promise not just hope but real results.

We’re also the trusted provider of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. To learn more about our wide range of eye care services, call (626) 921-0199, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

Lumen Optometric

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