eye exams

Contact Lenses and Eye Exams: What You Need to Know

Do you often find yourself contemplating whether to take off your contact lenses before an eye exam? Worry not—we're here…

9 months ago

How Can Vision Problems Affect Learning in Children?

Your child's academic performance highly depends on their sight. 80% of learning occurs through vision, meaning eye problems can hinder…

11 months ago

Is It Possible to Prevent Glaucoma?

Around 80 million people around the world have glaucoma. Interestingly, around half of the individuals with this eye problem aren't…

11 months ago

Safe Sun Exposure: Why It’s Great for Your Kids’ Eyes

Natural light can contribute to improved mood, focus and productivity. It can help you sleep better by regulating your circadian…

1 year ago

Why Do Aging Eyes Need More Light?

Your eyes and vision will reach complete development by the time you're in your early 20s. Usually, you won't notice…

1 year ago

Eye Exams: Why They Matter Even if You Have 20/20 Vision

It's a common misconception that you only need to regularly visit your optometrist if you wear prescription glasses or contact…

2 years ago